
Archive for January 17th, 2011

     Things are a bit quiet this morning on the Reverse Mortgage front, so I need to reveal what’s been bothering me all weekend.   I went to get my hair cut Saturday morning, as I do every three weeks.  Kathy, my haircutter, covered me with the black, vinyl thing to protect me from getting covered with all the clippings – as she always does.  Now, it needs to be said that I still have a full head of hair; one of my few winning tickets in the gene pool.  So, Kathy is cutting away; talking about the holidays, the snow, her bronchitis attack, blah blah blah and, for maybe the first time, I’m noticing the cuttings landing on that black thing.  Horror of horrors, they’re all silver!  Then I look at my head and, sure enough, it’s mostly silver too.  There must be something wrong with the mirror in this place – I never noticed this in my mirror at home!  I’ve always had hair that was so dark it was almost black.

     Shocked, I asked Kathy what was wrong with her mirror, it made my hair look silver.  She laughed, of course, and said I should just be thankful I still had all my hair.  My shoulders drooped for the rest of the time in that chair and Kathy, sensing my mood, became quiet – to humor me I suppose.  Haircutters must be trained in psychology long before they get to touch scissors and combs.

     When I got home, I looked in my bathroom mirror, and sure enough, my hair was mostly silver there too.  Sheesh…on the inside, there is a young guy who hasn’t aged nearly as quickly as the old body that carries him around.  I hate discovering that.

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